Monday, December 21, 2009

How do you remove mildew smell from towels when repeated washing just isn't working?

I like using color-safe bleach. It usually works to remove the smells. If you've already tried this and it hasn't worked, then try washing them with a cup or two of white vinegar, and use hot water if you can. Sometimes hanging them outside in the sun after the regular dryer cycle seems to help. I think the main cause of the smell is from not being completely dry when they get put away.How do you remove mildew smell from towels when repeated washing just isn't working?
You can try the European way: Put them outside in the fresh air on a cloth hanger for a couple of days.How do you remove mildew smell from towels when repeated washing just isn't working?
I wash using detergeant + 1/2 cup baking soda (1 cup if it's a top loader) in the wash water and 1/2 cup white vinegar in the rinse (1 cup if top loader). Wash regular cycle with cold water. It always works the first time.
I use sportzyme. I got it at

It's a product made by Norwex Enviro Products that removes the organic matter (in your case mould or bacteria) that is causing the offensive smell. It's so good, it takes the smell out of my husbands horrible hockey equipment! You just spray the towels, and let it dry. If there are lots of towels, I would even try putting a half a cup in the rinse cycle.
I put 1/2 a qt bottle of ammonia. Stay away tho'
wash in cold water don麓t add any fabric softener and hang outside in the fresh air
try adding pine sol to the detergent when in the washer, I didn't thnk it woreked but it does and don't forget the fabric softner too.
Besides white vinegar in the rinse, try a little bleach in the wash cycle, along with the soap.

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